Category Archives: Allgemein

New Title: How To Fix Technology

  • Hannes Bajohr
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  • 2022-12-16

0x0a is happy to publish Andreas Bülhoff’s How to Fix Technology today. The text of this book was generated by the neural network GPT-2 trained on the complete tutorial data of iFixit. For each sentence, the text-to-image neural network Dall-E 2 generated a corresponding image. The abundance of tutorials is one of the internet’s greatest […]

New Title: Farcen-Generator

  • Hannes Bajohr
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  • 2021-11-24

0x0a is proud to publish the German-language translation of Lillian-Yvonne Bertram’s Travesty Generator under the title Farcen-Generator. You can find the original, which came out with Noemi Press, here. Hannes Bajohr, who translated the book, spoke with Bertram about her work: What is Travesty Generator? How does it compare to your other work? Travesty Generator […]

Academy for the Criticism of Poetry: Poetry in the Digital

  • Hannes Bajohr
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  • 2021-10-19

The “Academy for the Criticism of Poetry” held a workshop on digital poetry in the fall of 2021. Its results can now be seen as a video. The topics include some of our titles but also other digital poets and friends of 0x0a.

New title: Soliloquies with an AI (German only)

  • Hannes Bajohr
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  • 2021-08-04

For some years now, computer-generated artifacts have been flourishing, primarily those created by means of AI. While it was initially images and videos that caused a stir, there is increasing discussion about machine language models that are used to analyze and synthesize texts. Both contribute to the machine-assisted construction of reality. In the process, we […]

Neuer Titel: Weisheit und Wiederholung

  • Hannes Bajohr
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  • 2021-03-30

Sorry, this entry is only available in German. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. »Und« verbindet und trennt, koordiniert und hält auf Abstand. Doch bleibt das Verhältnis zwischen zwei durch »und« gekoppelten Termen ambivalent, kann sowohl […]

Neue Titel: Poetisch denken, Band 1-4

  • Hannes Bajohr
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  • 2020-06-26

Sorry, this entry is only available in German. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Deep Dreaming der Lyrik: Poetisch denken hieß ein Buch von Christian Metz über vier Dichter*innen, die für ihn die Lyrik der letzten zwanzig Jahre wesentlich […]

New translation: Of the Subcontract

  • Hannes Bajohr
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  • 2020-06-10

0x0a is proud to publish the German translation of Nick Thurston’s Of the Subcontract. You can find the English version here, and the German translation here. Nick presented the book at the Poesiefestival 2020 (in English) with an introduction by 0x0a member Hannes Bajohr (in German). Watch it below:

New translation: Megawatt

  • Hannes Bajohr
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  • 2019-07-06

We are happy to announce the German translation of Nick Montfort’s book Megawatt. More in German. Und die arme alte, lausige Erde, die meine und die meines Vaters und meiner Mutter und der Mutter meiner Mutter und des Vaters meiner Mutter und der Mutter meines Vaters und des Vaters meines Vaters und der Mutter der Mutter […]


  • Hannes Bajohr
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  • 2018-04-23

Sorry, this entry is only available in German. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. [Der folgende Text erschien am 27.2.2018 in der NZZ unter dem Titel »Unermüdlich dichtet das Maschinchen«.] Digitale Literatur – was war das noch? […]

Bots unter Generalverdacht

  • Gregor Weichbrodt
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  • 2017-01-12

Sorry, this entry is only available in German. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Bots haben Trump zum Wahlsieg verholfen, Bots gefährden die Demokratie, Bots sind böse, lese ich überall. Dabei könnten diese Aussagen selbst von […]